UPDATE: Practice- Thursday, March 28th- Cain MS

27 Mar by Coach Christopher Balanciere

UPDATE ON PRACTICE: A wreck or something must’ve happened because all roads to Rockwall are backed up. We ARE still meeting. We should be there by 10 minutes after 6. Hang out in the parking lot until we arrive.

We will meet for practice at Cain Middle School in Rockwall.
Please remember we are trying to establish a new permanent location as Williams is just too busy for us to have effective practices there. Hopefully we won’t run into a conflict at Cain, but fair warning, it’s possible. I will communicate any changes here in the app if necessary.
Your athletes need to have regular athletic clothing and a running type of shoe. Track spikes will be used later, but not any time soon. Just a regular running shoe/sneaker is needed vs a basketball/court shoe. And don’t forget plenty of water.

Thank you!


6620 Farm To Market Rd 3097, Rockwall, TX 75032, USA

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